Μια λίστα με οικολογικές και κινηματικές δραστηριότητες στην Ευρώπη για το καλοκαίρι του 2012. 


1. Rossport Solidarity Camp June Gathering, North Mayo, Ireland
June 14, http://www.rossportsolidaritycamp.org ; http://www.shellkosea.com 
2. Anarchist Bookfair, Stockholm, Sweden
June 16, http://www.anarchistbookfairsweden.se/?lang=en 

3. No Border Camp 2012, Stockholm, Sweden
June 17-24, http://www.noborderstockholm.org/ 

4. Agriculture Action Camp “Food back in our own hands,” Netherlands (South)
July 5-10, http://www.landbouwactiekamp.net 

5. Ecotopia Biketour, Catalonia, France, Italy
July 6- Sept 19, http://www.ecotopiabiketour.net/ 

6. European Forum against Enforced Useless Major Projects, Notre-Dame-des-Landes, France
July 7-11, http://forum-gpii-2012-ndl.blogspot.de/search/label/00-English 

7. Take back the Land!, Douglas Valley, Scotland
July 12-18, http://takebacktheland.org.uk/ 

8. International Animal Rights Gathering, Poland
July 13-15, http://www.argathering.net/ 

9. Velorution Universelle, Concarneau, France
July 13-15, http://velorutionuniverselle.org/ 

10. No Border Camp 2012, Cologne/Düsseldorf, Germany
July 13-22, http://noborder.antira.org ; http://papiere-fuer-alle.org 

11. GAIA Workcamps, Plemetina, Kosovo
July 20-31 and August 16-29, http://gaia.kosovo.wordpress.com 

12. Anti-Nuclear Camp “Against Nuclear Energy – For Energy Democracy” Lubiatowo, Poland
July 23-29, http://eyfa.org/activities/projects2/anti_nuclear_camp 

13. International Anti-nuclear Network Meeting, Döbeln, Germany
July 30- Aug 3, http://www.greenkids.de/europas-atomerbe/index.php/International_Anti-nuclear_Network_Meeting_in_Mannsdorf 

14. Climate Action Camp, Leuven, Belgium
August 3-8, http://www.climate-justice-action.be/ 

15. Climate Camp 2012, Cologne, Germany
August 4-12, http://www.klimacamp2011.de/ 

16. Anti-Nuclear Camp & Blockade, Olkilvoto, Finland
August 6-13, http://olkilvotoblockade.info 

17. International Anarchist Gathering, Imiers, Switzerland
August 8-12, http://www.anarchisme2012.ch/ 

18. Climate and Energy Camp 2012, Lausitz (Jänschwalde), Germany
August 11-19, http://www.lausitzcamp.infohttp://www.lausitzcamp.info 

19. Free Workshop in Performance, Activism & Permaculture, Hamburg, Germany
August 12-19, http://labofii.wordpress.com/ 

20. Young Friends of the Earth Europe Summer Camp 2012, Galicia, Spain
August 14-19, http://www.foeeurope.org/yfoee-summercamp-2012 

21. Libertarian Media-fair, Bochum, Germany
August 24-26, http://limesse.de/ 

22. International Sailing and Bicycle Tour to Stop Nuclear Power Worldwide
Aug 25 – Sep 9 , from Stockholm (Sweden) to Greifswald (Germany)

23. International Anti-Militarist Camp, at the GÜZ Altmark, Germany
September 12-17, http://warstartsherecamp.org/ 

24. 3rd International Conference on Degrowth, Ecological Sustainability and Social Equality, Venice, Italy
September 19-23, http://www.venezia2012.it/?lang=en